All about The Yin Breath
The Yin Breath provides a loving, non-judgmental space for anyone who is interested in unfolding into their most inspired, fulfilled and creative life.
Have you lost your job?
Are you in a sticky situation you want to leave?
Are you leaving or have you been left by your partner?
Transitioning to a new phase of life?
Do you want to take a leap into something new but not sure you'll ever have the courage?
Or feeling as though your world is crumbling and that you're going through a massive 'death phase?'
The Yin Breath is here to hold you.
Change is hard.
Uncertainty is hard.
And sometimes we need a kind and compassionate witness to be there with us as we make our way along life's exciting and tumultuous adventures. I'm here to support you as you shed your skin and open up to the raw and vulnerable parts of you, the parts you may not really want to see but that you know are holding you back. To help you nurture, grow and love those sore spots and release the beliefs, thoughts, patterns and situations that are no longer serving you.
Life is in a constant state of change, of shedding, of releasing the old and stepping into the new. As humans we cannot escape the cycles of life and death, the seasons of the year and of our lives. But we can learn to work in harmony with them.
The Yin Breath works to help you bring more harmony and awareness of the cyclical nature of life into your world.

The Yin Breath works across three areas: Rebirthing Breathwork, Intuitive Embodiment and Creative Expression.
Rebirthing Breathwork
Rebirthing Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful form of conscious connected breathing designed to relax the body, clear old patterns and beliefs, release physical and emotional pain and trauma, and open up to the richness of our internal worlds and our lives. It is often referred to as the "Yin Yoga" of breathwork – it's more slow and subtle than the "Yang" styles of breathwork, but it works powerfully on the body and at the subconscious/unconscious mind level.
In a Rebirthing Breathwork session, we'll work at the pace that is best for your mind, body and soul to support you on your journey. Together, we’ll co-create the medicine you need as you complete your current cycle, or prepare to step, leap or crawl into a new cycle.
A Rebirthing Breathwork session typically runs for between 2-3 hours, and can be done in-person or online.
Intuitive Embodiment
Intuitive Embodiment tunes us into those intuitive nudges we hear when we get quiet enough and grounds them into practical pieces of wisdom, embodiment practices or stories to help us come to awareness, acceptance and understanding of where we are at in our lives.
In an intuitive embodiment session we’ll work together energetically to explore particular issues or challenges in your life, and find different perspectives and sometimes ingenious solutions! The embodiment element is an important one, for knowing what needs to change is all well and good, but being able to implement that change is even better (and necessary, if we want to live an empowered and awesome life!) We’ll use movement practices, breath, sound, meditation and the medicine of nature to help ground your realisations into reality in your life.
Intuitive embodiment sessions are 90 minutes each and can be done in person or online.
Creative Expression
Creative Expression sessions allow space for the innate creator within you to awaken and express themselves. We all have within us a dancer, writer, singer, painter… if we only know how to coax them out! In a creative expression session, we’ll work together intuitively and creatively to encourage your inner artiste to bloom and blossom. We’ll celebrate mistakes and create pathways to future creations and creative fun and bliss!
Creative expression sessions are coming soon, and can be 1-1 or in small groups, in-person or online.
About Jo McEniery,
Founder of
The Yin Breath

Thanks for being here, it’s lovely to meet you! I’m Jo, and I am Founder, Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner, Vocal Sound Healer and Creative Facilitator at The Yin Breath. I’m a dreamer, inspirer, creator, writer, listener, energy worker, nature lover, dancer, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, confidant and lover of life.
I’m here to support people with whatever they need to let go of, call in, create, envision, imagine, believe in and be, to live the life they know they are here to lead. I’m a life-long creator and creative and I've been writing professionally for the past ten years, and singing all of my life, firstly trained as a classical singer and now as a vocal sound healer. I’m also a lover of the mystical and magical, and I’m certified as a Reiki Practitioner, an Intuitive Guide, and a Rebirthing Breathwork (Yin Breathwork) Practitioner.
I am currently completing a Certificate IV in Mental Health to increase my capacity to support people with mental health challenges, significant trauma or post-traumatic stress conditions. I will be bringing this support into my work in a significant way from 2025.
I hold a space of deep reverence, non-judgment and compassion for all who choose to work with me. I’ll hold you in a Mother Earth-like embrace of unconditional love, from the moment you book in for a session until our time working together is complete (and beyond). I look forward to working with you.